A Church that Prays Together

Prayer, a potent tool that unifies families, is often described as the cornerstone of the church community. The church, often likened to a family, strengthens its bond to each other and to God through prayer. As Mathew 18:20 reminds us, when two or three gather in the name of Jesus, His presence is felt. This spiritual connection is what we invite you to experience at the Ithaca SDA church. 
If you are looking to join a community of believers who value prayer, then Ithaca SDA church is the perfect place for you. We have two scheduled weekly gatherings where we come together for the purpose of prayer, devotion, and meditation. You can join us on Sunday mornings at 6 AM or Wednesday nights at 7 PM. Our prayer meetings are open to everyone, regardless of your background or beliefs. Come and experience the power of prayer in a supportive and welcoming community.